Soul choices and “escape plan”
In our time of rat races people tend to care much more about money and more and more they are forgetting about their souls and what's really their hearts desires to do. People listen to conservative people and their outdated views about how life is supposed to be, they go to the faculties they don't like and attend lessons that they can’t stand. After steeping in further into this scenario they start to work for the companies they hate, doing loveless jobs. Its torturing them.People cant wait for the end of the weekend and how they spend it - drinking on fridays and dying from hangover on saturdays and morally preparing for the upcoming week on sundays , complaining that weekends flew so fast. Or they use other ways to suppress their sadness. Such a life….
Most of the people are cowards...They have dreams , ideas , but they are way too afraid to take that path . It's understandable, as it aint a simple one.There are many pitfalls. However, someone said once : higher risks ,higher returns . So why not to give it a chance and do something that really important and make such a big difference in life. Yeah , there's a big possibility that salary isn't that high as some job after university , but just imagine for a moment feelings of happiness every morning... living every day... not just simple existing. Life transform in cardinal way and everything around can start to seem differently. Not for nothing Ghandi said : to change the world you have to change yourself first.
In the most of the cases even if a person has balls to take the actions, sometimes the problem lies in activity itself. He/she simply doesn't know what exactly they wish to do. One my friend (and hes CEO of a company that he built by himself and his business is prospering for years now and already taking over international market ) gave me one trick. He said to imagine magical wand and having powers to do everything in life. So the first thing that comes to mind - that's the exact profession that should be taken up. Everything that follows the first ideas should not be taken into regard, as brain starts to engage and give some logical answers. Moreover , it even starts to doubt the first idea and thoughts like : i don't have education for it , resources, contacts and many other things (excuses) appear on a person's mind. But look, no one ever achieved great things over a night, it always takes investments , patience, practice . First step should be taken and after it just flows.
Even if a person realizes the dream job,but it requires serious money investment to learn new skills, in such case person should work on the “escape plan” . It means not to leave the current hated workplace, but actually to start to love it. Why? Because it's the only one way of getting the income, therefore, these money should be saved and then invested in the acquiring the wanted qualification . That's what i think many people don't consider…. They just think too late, too difficult, or even impossible. and they give up even not even starting anything....